Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well, have I mentioned how smart my daughter is lately? She figured out a way to get me to stay home with her, and that is pretty smart. Tuesday night, she started breathing super weird, like a sharp squeaky noise that sounds like she can’t get her breath. I can’t say for certain, but I am quite sure Tuesday night she was messing with her breathing. She had had a great day and did wonderful in her walker, moving around at Virginia’s. She also worked hard at therapy and had a great day over all. Well, now that I think about it, once I got the therapy, she stopped talking to Stacie. So she is three, and is starting to be naughty. Well, back to Tuesday night. She started making this super weird noise. Well I freaked out, which I think scared her and then she freaked out and could not get her breath under control for quite awhile. Not until dad took her outside to sit. He does a great job staying calm and singing. She still would have a few freak out breathing issues, but it was under control enough to make me ok not taking her to the hospital. Well she slept great and only woke up once, then did great again. So Wednesday morning, I got her up and dressed and meds given, and she was calm and doing fine. Honestly I did not mess with her very much, because I wanted her to stay calm. Well I got a call at work around 9:00 to Virginia saying I needed to get home ASAP. I could hear Quinn in the background making that crazy noise again for Virginia and dad. Later I found out, she was fine until she heard the garage door open, and then decided to put on a show for Virginia. I guess she was hoping for a daddy day. Instead she got a trip to the doctor’s office and a large lecture from me. So I got home and heard her freaking out just a little. Well when she saw me, I think she figured out that her plan was messed up. She calmed down right away. I already had a doctor appointment lined up from 20 minutes before that, so we went in and I felt like a big liar. She was breathing fine, not even a sound for the nurse, doctor, or PA. So we did go over a few meds and made a few changes. We talked about how the wind could have triggered a bit of it, or allergies, or a few more of her big teeth coming in a bit more. However we think more of the issue was her being a three year old, and throwing a fit in a way she thought she could control. Then when I freaked out Tuesday night it made it worse. I don’t know why I did. I know that makes it worse, because she is more in tune with peoples emotions then anyone I know. So I know I need to stay calm around her, but I guess she caught me off guard, and I in turn lost it, which lead her to loose it even more.

Well Wednesday after the doctor appointment, I practiced some tough love. I talked to her about when she throws a fit and mom has to take off of school because of her fits, we will not play. Instead she will rest by herself and mom will clean. We will not have fun days due to her being naughty. So she ended up taking a 5-hour nap, which also could have been a factor in her freak out, she was overly tired. She does not want to miss out on anything and will force herself to stay awake and get overly tired. So that was our crazy Tuesday night and Wednesday. She was fine the rest of the day, and I even limited daddy time Wednesday night, to get the point across that she can not play games like that with her breathing, it is to serious and she will have to be more creative in throwing fits. So the challenge is on for her to get more creative then her breathing to be naughty, and hopefully this time I will keep my cool and not let her take control of the situation. Wow, we have such a smart girl on our hands!

1 comment:

Chrissy Scheer, PT said...

I know this might not be a "good" response...but your story made me giggle...just because you told it so vividly, I could see it happening! :) I do say...Great Job calling Quinn on what she did!...all parents say that 3 y/o's like to push buttons...and know what buttons to push! Have a blessed day!