Saturday, April 16, 2011


It’s been a busy week!
Quinn was back working hard at school. Quinn got to paint a few times this week! Sometimes she really does a great job holding her brush, and letting go, while other times she still struggles.

She is having issues with spitting. We are not sure if it is something she is doing on purpose, or not. Sometimes she does great with not spitting, while other times it’s a job to keep her shirt clean and dry. So we are trying to figure things out. I say this, and today she has not been spitting or drooling at all! So I don't know what is going on with her! Four year old's are hard to understand sometimes!

Tuesday we got to get back in the power chair. Again, we could not figure out Quinn, as she did circles, and had fun, and we tried to get her to drive a straight line so bad, and finally she did it, it was going backwards, but she did it. In order to get one, she has to prove that on command, she can drive a straight line, and stop. She can do both, but it takes time. At the same time, she has only had a few hours with it so far this year, so we will just keep working at it.

Wednesday Quinn kept Chrissy busy with a few seizure type activities for over an hour again. So Chrissy was calling seizure doctors and we talked on the phone quite a few times. Thankfully, Quinn worked it out, and was fine for the rest of the day.

Thankfully Thursday was pretty calm, Friday however had Chrissy working like crazy. We got Quinn in to get some blood work done, and after numerous phone calls, Chrissy and Quinn made it to the clinic, where after two sticks to get blood that were not successful, they were sent to the hospital. After getting to the hospital, they got in to the lab and Quinn finally spoke loud and clear, as they were drawing up her blood. “No More!” I don’t blame her one bit! You tell them Quinn! Lately she has not been talking all that much, so it’s good to hear those words! They did get the blood they needed the first time, this time, thank goodness! This is going to give us her seizure meds levels and if we need to increase them or not. As she has grown a bit lately, we will probably increase meds, and hopefully that will control her seizures better. So, I’ve only got a day or so left to take time off of school, so to say that I’m thankful for Chrissy is an understatement! Wow, what a busy afternoon! So having today, Saturday, to just relax, spring cleaning, hang out with family, and watch Quinn walk walk walk in her walker, with a bit of help was just what we all needed! Here is hoping you all find pure joy in the simple things, like we got to today!

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