Friday, March 9, 2012

Well, Quinn's new Maxey Teachers she will have next year came to visit her at Clinton. That is pretty wonderful that they could do that, I love our school district and appreciate all her teachers and nurses for working so hard to help Quinn be successful. Quinn was on good behavior from what I heard. I can't believe she is going to be in Kindergarten!

Well next week is our Spring break, but it's going to be no break for us. We have 4 doctor appointments, one MRI, a few x-rays and scans. A possible new hip brace. I have more news to share with that, it's looking like she has officially dislocated her hip. She does not hurt, but now she officially has one leg longer then the other one. We tried so hard not to let this happen, but when she is not up walking this is one of the things that can easily happen. We will find out what happens from here next week. It's a big bummer, but knowing she is not hurting makes it easier to handle.
We also have a few more appointments for Quinn with our social worker and assistive technology person, meeting with her 3 therapists, at least 2 meetings to go over things for the house with Delrae and a few other folks, breakfast with friends, hopefully a few sets of friends, grandma Vicki is coming to join us on most of our adventures, and we are hoping to go to the zoo after one of our Omaha doctor appointments,
We are hoping to paint 4 side tables and two dressers, and do a bit of sewing to get things ready for the house.
And finally doing a total cleaning of our apartment, as we have our home inspection for us to get our license for foster care (in the apartment for now) to make sure we are not total pigs. So we have got a lot of cleaning to do!!!!!
So what are you doing next week?

Well here are our official colors for the new house. I love them.
Then to keep me working, here is the before picture, we really do look like horders. Actually I pulled out every single supply for Quinn, as I really need to resort things, as I know there are 3 or 4 places where I keep some of her things, and that is a big mess, so spring break cleaning starts now! Lots to do, lots to do! Let's hope I can post in a week a lovely clean decluttered apartment!

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