Thursday, January 17, 2013

We were at Children's Hospital yesterday, at the Children's Developmental Clinic.  Where we hang out in a room all day and lots of folks come to us.  We saw a pediatric doctor, her breathing doctor, a bone doctor, and got scans done, a Physical therapist, Occupational therapist, speech therapist, Neurologist, and we are changing up a med, a social worker, and a few other folks.
We got a new weight, which is 40 lbs, and a new height of 42 inches, last year she was 34 lbs, and 5 cm shorter.  Things are looking good, we have a few new things we are going to try, but over all it was a great appnt, until the blood draw.  Let me simply say that we ended up having 7 different folks come into that room, and Quinn and I both had tears, and we were both exhausted when we left.

We always do something fun after the appnt, but we were exhausted, so rather then going to do something, she got to pick out a stuff animal from the gift shop, and then she took a long nap!  

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