Monday, July 15, 2019

The girls had fun on their own last week, but are back together and have to hug every few minutes it seems.  So all is well again.  Denali had lots of fun at two different camps.  I am glad to report that going back to back went ok, and she loved both camps.

 So today we had Quinn's chairs worked on again.  It is looking like we will be getting new seating soon.  Soon is a weird term in special needs equipment, because it takes so long to get anything done.  Letters need to be written showing how it is important and why.  Then it needs to be fitted and measurements taken.  Then insurance has to approve it, then it gets ordered, then it gets put on the chair and the chair needs to be adjusted again.  So maybe by Christmas we will have new seating, but we have to make what we have now fit.  So after hours of hard work, we have things mostly working.  We are going in again tomorrow for a bit of tweaking.

 The kids waited patiently for the most part.  
Now we are starting to sadly count down our summer.  We still have trips to the zoo, trips to the beach, a summer camp for Isaiah, meetings with friends, and a few other things, but we are also scheduling final doctor appointments before school starts, classes I am taking, getting my classroom ready, finishing up summer projects, and getting back to school stuff.  Oh how I appreciate summer!  I love having this time to decompress from teaching, and am so thankful to have this time with my kids to really hang out with them, and be the mean mom when I need to be, but they all three are such unique people, I am so thankful to get to be with them.  I am so thankful for this time.  

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