Wednesday, December 4, 2019

We finally got too Memphis.
We got to hang out with my grandma.
I can only hope to do as good as she is when I am her age.

 We went to high tea.

 My cousin does these cool sticker nails, so we had a girls night to do nails.
 Miss Melissa made the kids these beautiful blankets and they would probably take them to school if they could.  What a kind gift.
 We went for some walks.
 We spent some time with my dad, but could not get too close.  I mentioned how he has been sick, he has blood cancer and is going to get a stem cell transplant, and can not be touched or breathed on, as we can not get him sick.  So we stayed away! :(
 So thanksgiving was nice, but different this year.  Still a big group of us, minus dad.

So it was a different thanksgiving, but still saw many folks we love!

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