Wednesday, March 25, 2020

You would think being stuck in the house, and we have not left for nearly anything, that I would be on here blogging all the time.  But we are busy learning and I am still teaching, so we are doing double duty in this house and keeping busy.

No therapy now, no doctor visits, no school, no leaving the house, so now I am the therapist, the doctor, the teacher, the cook, we are all the cleaners, we are all the learners, we are a team, and after a few pep talks, we are trying to figure this thing out together!

Thankfully, Quinn is feeling good, all of us are feeling good, weird, but good.

We have a schedule that has been redone a few times, we have our computers and journals, books, podcasts, audio books, webcasts, google docs, and lots of time to learn, grow and succeed.  We are finding lots of time to just be as well.

I am working on not stress eating and trying to get sleep instead of worrying, so I have some goals in place.  We are trying to support local small businesses, while at the same time taking care of all our bills and are thankful to have both of us still working.  Also thankful we all have our own desks in our own spaces in the house to go work at, then come back together as a group.

 The girls chilling during some quiet time.
 Me planning for school online and school at home.
 Quinn getting some fresh air.  We are trying to get out and get walks yet still be safe.
 Our surprise was Butterfly bakery delivered a you got this cake and toilet paper to us.
 We are following a few artists online, and Bren Bataclan used Denali's suggestion of mashing together a pig and a pizza.  Check him out, its a great way for everyone to draw and everyone can do it!
 Denali and dad baking.
 Our schedule and daily events calendars.
 Cooking has never been so busy.  The dishwasher and the stove have gotten a good workout lately.

So we are doing lots of devotions and prayers from home.  We are praying for the health of our world, and also the wellbeing of our people being able to work and pay their bills.  It is such a strange time.  We are thankful to be home with each other, but are so sorry for so many of us having such a hard time right now.  I am praying for my students, hoping they can find a new normal and safety that our schools provide.  lots of love to all of you!  If you need something please reach out!

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