Monday, April 27, 2020

our journey continues:
Quinn got to zoom with her friend Casey.
She loved it so much!
Denali helped with the meeting and held the phone and asked great questions.
I am so thankful she is willing to jump in and be part of the love.
 Here her friend Casey is on her side reading a book to Quinn.  Love love love.
 Here was my view from my desk zoom meetings all day.  Quinn was stretching after finishing a zoom meeting with her OT, and siblings.  Buttercup had to come give her some love.
 I love to see and hear the kids helping Quinn by moving her to the couch and helping her readjust as needed.  I did not even ask.  They asked her and worked as a team.  Love  again
 Then Buttercup had to go give more love.

 We are going old school sending letters to friends and family again!
 Also still listening to lots of books on tape and watching documentaries.
School work at home is so much fun!  We are still working on finding a good balance!

 There was one of Quinn's zoom meetings where I had a meeting at the same time.
Denali was not having a great day, so she was in her room, and Isaiah said he would help Quinn with her meeting.  After our meetings, I checked in with them to see how it went and they both said great! Quinn loves seeing her teachers and classmates.
Later in the day, Isaiah came up to me and said:
Mom, I am so glad I got to help Quinn with her meeting.  The teachers asked her questions that I never thought of asking her.  She gave great answers and I learned so much more about her.  
Oh, I love my kids so much and am so thankful for them.  
Oh we are struggling getting schoolwork done and staying on top of some things, but over all I am so thankful to have this time to love them up!
 Quinn has a new nurse that is sweet as can be.  She is finally looking and interacting with her.  With Quinn it takes time for her to gain trust in people and really interact with them, but she clearly is.  I will need to get a picture of the two of them soon.  

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