Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Yikes a bad case of food poisoning from Mothers Day!  Yuck!  But everyone stepped up and helped out and I survived, so let's start this week, just a bit late.

Working from home is ok.  I get to hang with my kids and do lots of projects and collaborate with other teachers on lessons, so I have learned a lot and worked hard, much harder then if I would have been in my classroom, but I miss my students.!
 Quinn has had a big growth spurt and thanks to Chrissy for coming over and helping her make her stander work for her again.

Quinn is almost as tall as Denali now that the stander has grown.
Quinn had to wear her mask during the appointment too.
 It was exhausting getting that stander to work, so Quinn slept the rest of the day!
 Isaiah still says he could do school at home forever, then he has more time to hang out with his friends!  In the evening after work is done.
 I needed some stools for the table I made, so I made some stools, and they were much harder then the table.

 They are still in progress so we will see how far we get by next week.
 Here is Quinn's new nurse, and we love her so.  Quinn always takes a bit to get use to new people, but she is doing great.  We are going to appreciate her while we have her, as we know she is going to be moving out of Lincoln in the future sometime, so we will be thankful for her while we get the love from her now.
 Quinn is loving stander time again, and that is great!
 Oh we are now to the sanding stage.  I would say we are going into the building business, but we are about out of scrap wood, so we are going to need to figure out something else to keep us busy.  

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