Saturday, September 19, 2020

It was Isaiah's big day.  He finally got confirmed.
Then he let me take some pictures of him.

He got a Boutonniere and we had to talk about why people do that.  The only people in church were the confirmands and their family.  We kept Quinn home, we don't want her to get sick, but she is sick of being home too.

They went in a week early and did some recordings of singing and that was played.  He did great and was not excited to do it, but still did because he is a great kid!
opps it's sideways but I am to tired to switch it around today.
We love our church!  And there you go.  Our over the top girl, and our laid back boy growing up!  I love who they are and what they are doing, but time is moving so fast!  I wish we could just take a year off and travel around the world, but right now many things are limiting us with that .  So I will simply love them up at home!  Congratulations Isaiah!  Love you so much!


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