Friday, November 13, 2020

It is easy to say that our dogs are spoiled rotten right now.  They are basically never home alone, as someone is always there working or playing or sleeping.  So when the world changes again, I don't know what we will do with them.

Quinn is so excited when we get her masks and shields out because she knows she is going somewhere and that is basically to school or therapy, so she is so excited to leave the house now a days, even if it is not to the fun places we use to go.

We did get a therapy appointment in, and appreciate it every time.

Denali got new glasses.
My excitement has been taking these two on walks together.  We are trying to train them to walk together with a double leash.  Oh my they crack me up with how they walk together.  That has been my entertainment lately.  So fun!

So we just keep staying home as much as possible.  Going a little stir crazy but not to bad!  Thank goodness holidays are coming up to keep us entertained.  Even though they will be very different!

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