Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Here Quinn is in the waiting room of the doctors office, telling me how upset she is.
Just wait, this story blew me away!
I have a super smart, super sassy daughter!

Quinn showed me once again how smart and naughty she can be.  I picked her up from school around noon today to go to the doctor’s office, and on the way there she would tell me with her Tobii: why are we going, why are we doing this, what's going on, I hurt, and so on and so forth.
So we get inside and Quinn talked to the receptionist.  She went on talking about how she wants to go back outside and she still has questions and she's worried.  So then we go back into the patient room.
Quinn looks at me and gets this big smile on her face and I'm thinking OK maybe this is going to go better than I think, instead every question that she was asked by the nurse she would turn her head as far to the side as possible and not answer.
Then the doctor comes in and checks her out, and physically she's doing great the doctor says once again I don't know how she is doing great and I know it's all in God’s hands and he is helping us out.  Thank you God for keeping her healthy!
Then Dr. Martin ask Quinn to please talk to her.  She then asks her questions like what is her brother’s name and what is your sister’s name and Quinn once again yanks her head over to the side with no answer, and raises her no hand and will not answer.
So then they asked Quinn if she wants a sticker and I say oh Quinn does not need a sticker unless she's going to answer you because she's been making bad choices to not answer.  So we give her another chance to answer either with her hand or her Tobii computer and she chooses not to answer.
So then on the way out she looks at me and starts giggling and giggling and giggling.  I finally start catching on to this game that she's playing she thought it was hilarious that she did not answer anything they asked her.  She knew she could out wait them, and she did.
Then to top it off we get back in the car and she says I choose I choose and then she goes on to say Isaiah is my brother Denali is my sister and again start laughing and laughing.
So this was a loud wake up call for me to see that she is totally choosing when she talks and when she doesn't and she totally has people right where she wants them.  So I am now looking at some behavior charts for her, we are going to chat with school,  and she is officially in her room grounded and is going to bed early for the rest of the week.  Oh my goodness I love her so much and part of me is amazing by her and her actions while the other part of me knows we got to get this in gear and get her on track because she can do amazing things. 
I love this girl so much, but she is stubborn and smart and it has gotten her through a lot, and now we need to rein in some behaviors and see her beautiful butterfly 

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