Monday, February 13, 2017

We know that God has given us the big job of educating folks about how we are all special and how we are all amazing.

With Quinn it can be exhausting some days.  I call tell folks one thing, then due to many factors, they don't see what Quinn does, and in turn, they might not believe what I say about Quinn.

I understand that, even though it is hard.  So that means we, as a family, need to keep educating.  So this last weekend, we started filming Quinn learning.  I was so happy, Quinn was so happy, we were all so happy with how hard Quinn worked.

I'm sharing a longer video, but it shows her getting a 90% on her math homework.  It shows patients.  It shows trying new ways to figure things out.  It shows her thinking it through.  It shows Annette and Quinn working as a team.

So you really have to get into it a bit to really see them take off, but it is amazing!

click here to see it.

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