Monday, March 18, 2019

I feel like I am always walking a strange balancing act.  I want to keep things  as fair as possible for all my kids.  I talk about how fair is not even, but giving them all what they need.

They are all in dance, and two of them are in more dance classes, but Quinn has therapy, and she loves it, so it evens out.

I want them all to feel they get what they need and no one is getting more or less than anyone else.  That gets to be hard sometimes, and so I am always praying that I can give them good lives with many experiences.

So Quinn can not fly, due to her heart condition.  She understands that and accepts it.  So I told Isaiah and Denali that I will get them on a plane before they get out of middle school.  We were thinking of driving down to Memphis to spend time with family over break, but that did not work out, so I found a good deal on plane flights to Vegas.  John could not get off of work, but was ok with us going.  Quinn said we could go if she could have one fun day with Grandma and one fun day with Chrissy.  I love how accepting she is.  So some of us were Vegas bound.

In the Omaha airport.

In the plane we were nervous!

 All over Vegas.

out of the hundreds of shirts they could get, they both got the same one! :)

 Watching the knights and eating with our hands.

Denali was loud and cheered on and did a great job being heard!

 We got to see the cupcake ATM

 we saw the secret garden with lions and tigers and dolphins.

 also saw flamingo's across the street.

 Saw lots of flowers and palm trees, and fountains.

 We got silly and loved on each other.
 Isaiah thought it was pretty cool that we saw the porta potties getting lifted up over the top of one of the buildings.

We walked over 7 miles each day, so when we complained, I needed them to give me good grouchy faces.

 tried out different soda's from around the world.
Some were good and some were not!

 Went to a restaurant where the waiters were silly and a little bit naughty!

 Had to try out lots of different deserts at the buffet.

 We tried to find the beauty all around us.
 And the plane flight home, the kids were now pro's and ready to go.

So much fun!  But good to get back home too.
One more thing crossed off our bucket list!

Will blog about Quinn's fun time next.

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