Thursday, March 21, 2019

We had our CDC (children's developmental clinic) appointment today at Children's in Omaha.  This day is where we go sit in a room and have over 10 folks come see us.  We see Neurology, bone doctors, therapists, and specialist after specialist.

Both Denali and Isaiah wanted to come to support Quinn, so yes they do get out of school, but they learn so much on this day, and do a great job asking questions and answering questions.

We share what is going well, and we are so thankful for so much going well, but also talk about what things we see that need to be addressed.  I think it went well, but it is emotionally exhausting!  Afterwards we did blood tests, and as Isaiah said, they wanted a lot of Quinn's blood, and she screamed bloody murder the entire time they were doing her blood draw.  Then we also did some x-rays.  So much gets done on these days including switching some of her meds around and getting ideas for things that could help her.

Then we get a ton of papers on what happened during the visit.  So I go over the paperwork to get her new medications listed and changed to have everything up to date, and then I see the notes, and I still have a hard time every time I read notes like this on her.  I am realistic and understand she has a lot going on in her life.  However reading words like lack of normal this or that, slow, unable, chronic... these words are part of her life, and I understand that, but I want to add in so many more words.  Patient, kind, funny, loving, smart, hard worker.  I know the people coming to see us give the facts, but I want to share facts too.  

Her weight is now 59 lbs and her height is 4'2", and that has not changed very much in the last year, so we are keeping and eye on that too.

Here is the list of folks we see and this paper was full of information by the time the day was over.

We would have moments like this where we would relax and enjoy some technology time.

and other times where we would be poked and questioned about this and that.
There are many caring people who we chatted with yesterday.  Denali is still back there behind the doctor.

After all was said and done, we have a tradition of doing something fun after an exhausting morning, so to the zoo we went.
Denali and Isaiah took Quinn and off they went.

 That peacock, came over to check Quinn out again this time.  So interested!
Denali just jumps in and helps Quinn with anything and everything.
Isaiah, holds back a bit, but loves her so.  He was so good answering questions, and when we met up with dad at the end of the day, he knew his stuff and could tell him about things I did not think he would remember.  He also held her hand all the way home when she was upset and exhausted from the day, reminding her that he was there for her, and we would be home soon.  
I say it often, but God blessed us with a family that does love each other oh so very much.

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