Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Beware of reading this one, it's pretty much potty filled! Well, we had an interesting night. A moment that I was not expecting. Well Quinn and I were watching tv, and she was being very interactive, taking and signing, we were having a great night, we were all cuddled up together, her sitting on my lap in our rocking chair. I got preoccupied with the show, and was not paying attention to her for a few moments, and all of a sudden my leg was warm. I look down and Quinn is giving me the potty sign with both of her hands. (As a side note, Quinn was wearing her pull up's and she is doing a great job going potty on the potty, when we are paying attention to her telling us she has to go. On that same line, she is doing a great job holding it, and so when she has to go, there is a lot of liquid there.) So the pull up did not do it's job and I basically had myself potty pants. I can honestly say it's been a number of years since I had potty pants! Hmmm, what a night, and that won't stop me from cuddling with my girl one bit! So I best be off I have laundry to do, and a girl to cuddle and get into bed!

1 comment:

Chrissy Scheer, PT said...

This made me giggle...thanks for sharing! :)