Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Starting off the morning with us getting to do fun hair styles.
Isaiah said we need a new picture of butter cup on here as well.
 Then it was off to the zoo.
 Pure Joy in Denali!
 Chill vibe from Isaiah!  Uggg he does not look all that little here!
 Relaxing and taking in all the sites and sounds for Quinn.
 I was pretty happy with a few of my animal pictures I took.

 Chilling with our sun glasses!
 It is so fun to see Isaiah smiling and wanting to get his picture taken!

 At our campsite, oh wait at the zoo's camp site in the jungle.

 Denali said Quinn photo bombed her picture.

This has to be my favorite picture from the day, the love and silliness come shining through!
Oh how I love spring break!

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