Thursday, October 24, 2019

Change is usually hard for us.
This time is no exception.
Our night nurse, Dora, has moved!
She has an amazing plan for her education and her future.
We however are missing her so much.
Quinn cried almost every morning the last week she was here.
Finally after Chrissy talked to her, Quinn tried so hard not to cry to leave Dora with happy memories, but if you click on these pictures from Dora's last morning, you can clearly see Quinn trying super hard not to cry!
Oh it is hard when you have someone who really understands you, and now someone new will come in and be involved in all your personal business.
So currently Dad and I are the nurse, and we can take it on, but we are looking forward to getting a new nurse to come a few nights and mornings a week to help us out.  We have had some wonderful nurses, but Dora was so wonderful!  We miss you Dora but look forward to seeing all the wonderful things you do in the future!

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