Monday, January 6, 2020

whew!  Happy New Year.

Quinn was in the hospital for 7 days!  

I love to people watch, and I noticed while I was there, how you can spot who is a parent and who is not.  They have lots of security so you can always look for the badges we wear, but more then that, you look at what we are wearing.  It shows how long we have been there and how our child is doing.  When you see folks walking around in their slippers and wearing a blanket, they have been there awhile, and are exhausted.  Is their hair done?  Maybe a couple days, sweats and drool stains, recent to the hospital.  I caught myself in leggings and flip flops with messy hair walking around the hospital a few days.  
When grandpa and grandma picked up Denali, they asked where is her coat?  Where are her socks, where are her shoes?  Oh, we went to the hospital on a moments notice, we did not grab any of those things.  We were doing good if we got our teeth brushed and that did not happen every day, and that is ok.  
Being in the hospital is the most exhausting time where you are not doing much of anything except taking care of your sick daughter or sister.  So I say to all the parents in slippers or flip flops walking around the cafeteria.  You keep taking care of you and your child.  You do what you need to do to get by, life is hard and good for you for being there for your child.  It is hard, but you are in the right place where they can take care of our children.

Isaiah and Dad visited.

 We celebrated New Years in the Hospital.
 We cuddled lots, as we got stronger again.
 Grandma and Grandpa came and took Denali home with them for a few days.  A sister can hang in the hospital for a few days, but then it is nice to spend time with grandma and grandpa too.

 The girls got lots of cuddle time in for the days they were together.
 Isaiah got his yellow belt, he is doing so good with that!

 Then we got home and started getting back into the groove.  Grandma and Grandpa brought Denali home.  Quinn got her chair adjusted so she could go back to school.  On a side note we got her seating denied by insurance, so now we have to fight that and educate the insurance company how she will get sores, she can not learn when she is uncomfortable, it will hurt her back, and it is way to small, so thanks to Chrissy and our doctors who are willing to help us fight to get Quinn the seating she needs to be able to get around in the world.
 Grandpa helped Isaiah put together a new remote control car.  I love seeing them working together.

 Buttercup was so very thankful to have Quinn home.  Isaiah told me he was sleeping upstairs while we were at the hospital, on the couch because the dog was such a mess missing Quinn.
 Then back when we were in the hospital, we had to play!
 We partied on New Years!

 Oh I am so thankful for how my kids love each other.  

Say some prayers for us please.  Quinn is home but still needing oxygen over nights as her oxygen dips down a bit at night still.  She is so excited to get back to school, but she still needs to get better as well!

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