Sunday, March 15, 2020

What a weird surreal world we are living in.

 Lots of chilling and relaxing
 figuring out ways to isolate ourselves
 Had fun bowling before the world got a bit surreal.
 Went to the dentist and doctor.  Quinn got 6 teeth pulled out with out meds.  No tears either.  She is a strong strong kid!  Also did the heart doctor, when everything still looks great.  So thankful.  Dr. Martin wants her to talk so bad, and did she, nope, not until we got to the elevator where she said sorry mom, are you frustrated with me?  So silly!
 We are all learning how to use kinesiotape on Quinn to help train her muscles to work different ways.

The beginning of the week we had a couple appointments and had a little fun.  Then the news of the new virus kept getting worse and worse.

With Quinn we are already careful about being around big crowds and and washing hands and all that, but now we are being even more careful!

We are trying to find a balance.  Not going out and buying tons of stuff right away, but we did go out today and load up on stuff.  Thankfully Lincoln was not bad and we got what we needed and the only strange thing was there were actually a lot of folks to check us out.

Then we get home and try to take showers before getting around Quinn.

So we are figuring out how to go through this new adventure and stay safe and figure out a new normal for now.  So prayers for all of us to stay smart, be safe, and find our own new normals while trying to keep folks safe around us, and help each other out in this strange time!

If there is anything we can do to help you, we would love to try!

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