Last week, Quinn got to play with chicks at school. I’m glad she got to play with them at Riley. I usually try to get her out to my school to see our chicks, when they hatch, but that did not happen this year, so glad she got to at school.
Quinn’s week was disrupted by a seizure this week. Darn, we were doing so good! It was a small one, but no seizures are good. It was super short and only lasted about 7 seconds, and so we did not have to give any medication to stop it. Basically she was sitting on Ms. Jonie’s lap at school, and got very quiet, then her eye’s rolled up so you could not see her eye balls, and she got very stiff. She got control back, all on her own without any medication to stop it. That is the silver lining on the seizure issue. The frustrating part is that it happened at school, and the folks working with her could tell something was up, as she was not wanting to work most of the morning before it happened, and just closing her eyes, and zoning out. Looking back, I think she knew her body was not working right for her, and she was trying to figure out what was going on.
Seizures are caused by different things: Brain trauma, (which caused most of her issues in the first place, way back when she was 5 months old) along with, lack of sleep, gaining weight, being sick… and other things, in Quinn’s situation, I think it was a little bit of all three. So we are keeping a close eye on her, and I’m going to get an appointment to do some blood work, to see if we need to increase medication doses. Last night, Quinn slept for almost 12 hours (the night before was only about 7), which has got to help. She has a cold again, and is upset about it. In fact at therapy yesterday, she started screaming, not her usual I'm mad scream, but a high pitched, I'm scared kind of scream, after we left therapy, we got lots of thick snot out (gross, I know, but it's the way it is), that helped, as well as a bit of cuddle time with me, and she was just fine. So all in all, minus the hard morning at school, and the cold that is back, big time, we are doing well. Those seizures remind me how lucky we are. We have been doing so great with not having them. So we are going to have a low key weekend, resting and trying to get over this cold. As well as having a bit of fun with a few friends! Sounds pretty good to me!
Thanks for checking in on us.
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