Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It's official, we are back in school.

Here are first day of school pictures.

 Denali has a tradition of always doing one close up on the first day of school, so we have to go with tradition!
Isaiah is going into 3rd grade.  This year the socks are the big thing, those long socks with neon on them somewhere.
Denali is our drama dance queen, and has a hard time sitting still.  She is going into 2nd grade.
Quinn is also going into 2nd grade.  She is loving her freedom of moving here seat around and is getting better at driving.  Then Chrissy goes and changes all her driving tools, so now she is relearning, and soon she will be driving even better, we hope.
and there they go, on their first day of 2nd and 3rd grade!
We said prayers this morning for a fun, education year for all of them!

 The last day of summer, after I got off work, all of us went to therapy.  I love how my kids love to be a part of each others lives, the kids wanted to help Quinn, by cheering her on, and helping her every way they could.  I love watching them in their excitement to help each other.  Thanks to Diane for letting them help out.

Finally a few fun pictures from summer.  I sure do love my kids and they sure do love each other!

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