Monday, August 27, 2018

We have survived the first couple weeks of school.  We have been missing a nurse most of the time, so we are going on little sleep, or I should say I am going on little sleep, but it is worth it.  Quinn has already been sick a couple days, but Grandma stepped in and watched her.  So thankful.

We are signed up for dance and looking forward to that.  We will only be at the dance center three days a week, last year it was 5, so longer times less days work for me!

Quinn wanted to be in band again.  Chrissy jumped in again and is doing the Tuesday day times, and Quinn is loving it.  Then we have had a special person volunteer to do her Monday's.  It will be an awesome story to share, but I need to come up with the right words, as it is magical.  Our band team is beautiful and and we are so thankful!

It's hard getting back into the swing of things, my kids are tired, I am tired, but we are good.  School is holding all three kids accountable and that is also great.  

So we will keep going and loving, and sharing, and learning, and we are looking forward to a long weekend next weekend!



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