Wednesday, December 12, 2018

What a wonderful crazy year.   
We are blessed to have had so many wonderful opportunities. 

We have all three kids in middle school this year.  Isaiah is in 7th grade and both girls are in 6th grade.  So far, they are doing pretty good.  We have to chat with all of them about staying on top of their grades, and working hard, but we are thankful they are sweet kids who are kind and caring.

Isaiah is busy with his dance teams, as well as loving technology, and his dog.  He has grown like crazy this year.  He is still soft hearted, he is my introvert, and he is a young man of few words, but beautiful actions.  His dance team just danced with the symphony and he did great.

Denali is also busy with her dance teams, she also plays the clarinet.  She might not love practicing, but it comes easy to her and she does a great job on it.  Her dance team ended the season last year winning top honors and doing a great job.  She also helps with Quinn’s adaptive dance class and loves the girls in the class as much as Quinn does.  She is our outgoing, excited, messy kid, that loves life and wants to be involved in a lot!

Quinn is back to enjoying school.  She is still working on showing them what she knows, but it is getting better.  She is playing percussion in band again, thanks to her great team of Chrissy, Jen, and Steve.  Chrissy has done amazing creating stands and such, to hold Quinn’s percussion.  Quinn also has loved her dance class and the smile she gets when she is dancing is beautiful.  She is also doing better and better on her driving skills on her chair.  We need more time to let her practice driving, as she gets so tired by the time she gets home, but we are getting better and better.  Her hormones are all over the place and it is causing weird startles, so we seem to always be trying to figure something out with her medically.  She is a trouper and smiles through the frustrations.

Our biggest adventure has been the kid’s trio dance this year.  They performed it at the national level and did amazing.  They performed it many times after that for many different reasons and have shared their love for dance.  I cried like a baby the last time they performed it because I don’t know when they will do it again now, and the love they put into the dance was beautiful.  They made folks feel real feelings and the tears would flow each and every time I would look around the audiences watching them watch the kids.  True love and beautiful dance.  Thank you to Stephanie Chase for creating a wonderful dance for them.  If you want to see it, here is a link to it.

I am the first to say life is not always easy, we have had nursing changes, and we still have many trips to the doctors.  We have gotten some new orthotics, and a percussor vest that shakes up the snot in Quinn’s lungs to help her feel better.  We have lost several friends and family members this year, and we have celebrated knowing them, and continued to learn how to deal with the loss.  These moments make our good moments oh so much more special.

John is still working with All State.  He loves his job and is excited to be taking more classes to advance up the ladder there.  He is also excited to be able to do his job from home when the weather is bad.  He got to go on a few fun trips with us here and there this year.

I am still teaching.  I love seeing my students grow as little people and love them so.  I can easily say spending my time with my family is where I feel truly blessed.  I have 4 people who can make me crazy, but also fill my heart with oh so much love!

We had adventures with all our grandparents this year.  We are so fortunate to have them come to dance recitals, spend time with us, when we are sick, and share in fun trips here and there.    We love them so.

One of our big trips was to the beach, with all these cousins, and Grandma Mema is right there with them.  We were so lucky to get to take my nephew Kaleb with us.  He is such a great kid!

So here is to finding some peace and joy this next year.  Here is to understanding that life will not be perfect, but learning from our struggles and being grateful for our blessings! 

Susan, John, Isaiah, Quinn, and Denali.

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