Monday, December 3, 2018

Last Wednesday, Quinn had an appointment with Pulmonology.  Ironically the next day she got a cold.  So we went to Omaha, both the kids wanted to come along so we had to do something fun with our visit to the clinic.
 We went to Laurenzen Gardens, saw the poinsettia tree and the indoor gardens.
Isaiah thought this sign was great.
We wrote letters to Santa, and mailed them.
We pretended it was warm, and walked through the beautiful building a couple times.
 I love the giggles my kids get.

 It was so pretty to walk through with all the plants and the trains.

Then we wrote letters.


 Did some crafts.

mailed our letters.

Then it was off to Children's Hospital, Clinic.
We had to enjoy the many Christmas tree's along the way

We also had to be patient and wait a bit.
When the doctor got there, all the kids had great questions, we looked at x-rays, and talked about how good Quinn has been for the last month.  Then she would get a cold the next day, darn it!
Then more Christmas tree's to look at, we were impressed how big this one was.

Then Thursday was the band concert.
Quinn was not feeling great, but she pulled through.
Denali and Quinn and Chrissy all did great at the concert!

Here is Quinn's band team:
Jen, Chrissy, and Steve.
We are so thankful for them.  
Quinn would not get to be in band if it were not for them.
We know Chrissy through therapy, basically Quinn's whole life.  Starting after she got so sick after here heart surgery at 5 months old.
We know Jen and Steve, because Amelia will be one of Quinn's best friends for life.
She passed away a couple years ago, and Jen and Steve are her parents.
We are honored they would step up and help with band.
We are so blessed to have three amazing people helping her.
Denali did great with her clarinet.
Quinn and Chrissy did great with percussion!
What a busy week!
We still have the symphony this weekend too!

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