Tuesday, May 21, 2019

We had a dance recital for all the Chase dance family that are in the competition numbers.  So Isaiah and Denali both danced at it.  Chase then donated all the money to a family who owns a dog kennel who got flooded.  They talked and it was very meaningful.  

I love how my kids learn about dance and about life with this dance company.  So great.

Quinn has her first small recital tonight.  Then they have the big one in a couple weeks.  So thankful we can finish school out this week and have a few days to rest before staring the recital.  

The funeral for Grandpa Harold went so well.  It was beautiful.  We met such fun poker friends of his.  We had some drama, but survived it all.  It was interesting how the kids all handled it so different.  Isaiah tried to act like the perfect son, and I hope he find his own way to grieve.  Denali did ok, until she would get tired, and then she would loose it.  Quinn was exhausted from it and slept so much more than usual.

So I am thankful we have some time to reflect on things.  Read some more books on grief and make sure we are doing our best to support each other through this time.

So love each other up.  Life is fragile.  


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