Wednesday, September 18, 2019

We had a fun weekend at Husker Hero's.  We got to hang out with great people with all kinds of abilities, and it is always one of my favorite times.  Seeing everyone accepted and playing and if only the whole world could be that accepting of each other.  Listening to the giggles, seeing parents see their kids shine and know they will be accepted.  Seeing siblings just getting to play together.  We always run into our dancing friends, so fun.  The Husker athletes that hang out with us are great.  They do a great job playing with us.  So thankful!

Then we got home and tried to take some fun group pictures, here are some of the not so great pictures, which I kind of love!  Having 3 opinionated kids who have their own ideas of what a good picture should look like! :)

and keeping things even more real, Denali, other wise dubbed Grace, got hit in the face with a ball two times in the same day.  Yikes!  Thankful she was not hurt, but this is the norm for this one, she is always getting hurt or falling down, or generally having issues.  Good thing she let's it roll off her back!

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