Monday, December 16, 2019

Becoming a teenager is hard work!  Quinn slept through the afternoon of her birthday, and then part of her party the next day.
I also looked back at past birthday's and she has spent two of them in the hospital, last year she spent Christmas in the hospital, so let's hope this sleep gets her through and she gets to stay home.
We have a  few doctor appointments in the next few days, but here is hoping that is all.

 The kids did a great job loving Quinn up on her special day!

Quinn has been big on having teenage clothing, so we have gone through her closet and anything with a picture or anything that does not look grown up has gone in the get rid of it pile.  She wanted to get rid of more, but I made her keep somethings.  Good thing she got clothes from Grandma Martha and money from the other grandparents.  She is ready to go shopping.  She also recently got her big girl glasses too.  So good to see her growing up and wanting to be older, but it is a bit hard on me.

So it was low key, but still such a great day!
Two teens in the house! :)

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