Tuesday, December 10, 2019

We practiced and practiced for the big day to dance with the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra. 

 We also got new glasses.  Quinn said her old glasses were baby glasses and she needed teenager glasses.  She has also said the same thing about her clothes. Shirts with pictures are baby shirts and she is going to be a teenager this friday so she needs new clothes, not baby clothes.
 I love how the musicians will come over and play for the girls in their free time between shows.  So kind!
 I have mentioned how my mom has been in and out of the hospital the last few months.  She is tired but so strong and pushing through to feel better and get her body back on track.  I was so happy to see her and sit with her and grandpa at the concert.  She could still use more prayers!  My kids were so happy to see her.  They have been worried about her.
 Back stage is a fun place.

 Doing their thing!  Beautiful!  Standing ovations at both shows, and tears and everyone being so thankful!
 Oh Santa was there.  So fun!

Isaiah has his day to show what he knows in taekwondo.  
He had a great day, but it was the same time as the symphony so he was busy with this.
Dad was in charge of pictures, so we got one!
Technically it was from another mom too! :)
I have to add, you can not take pictures during the tournaments, so ....

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