Monday, May 4, 2020

Learning from home was hard the last couple weeks, but I think we are getting into a grove again.  We are doing science experiments, zoom meetings, presentations, and thankfully, I still get to do lots of art, to share with my students and give ideas.  Actually my kids have gotten to as well, to use as examples.

We are also busy with:
Hair, the girls don't always let me play with their hair, but I have gotten to lately.

 We built a table from scratch.  We keep talking about using what you have around you to make something, so we did just that.

 We planted new plants.

 We had school zoom meetings.
 We keep practicing eating and swallowing.

 We have been getting in the stander, but honestly, keeping it real.  She is hating it, but thankfully we are having Chrissy come out and help us readjust it so she can tolerate it again.

 After Quinn being so upset, Buttercup has to go and protect her from me for a bit.
 Then after a hard morning, they get in some documentary time.  Disney really has some great documentaries if you want to learn about animals and places and cool stuff.
 We got up really early and delivered a few May Baskets but kept our distance from everyone.

 Buttercup is loving everyone being home so much.  I don't know what she is going to do when things change up again.

 We are getting lots of use out of the deck.  The weather has been pretty nice lately, and we can use a new view.
 Sometimes a fort is needed as well.

 So onto another week of learning and growing and creating!  Blessings everyone.

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