Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Well, we had our first ever, (yes, I am surprised too) 911 call.
Quinn had a seizure that would not stop.
 I give major praise to the 911 operator, the fire department and ambulance crew.  Within minutes we had a room full of people, who were calm and quick and kind.  They were impressive and I am so thankful for them.  Here are the only pictures we got of the crazy few minutes, the firetruck leaving the house after the ambulance.

 They got her seizures under control in the ambulance but wanted to make sure Quinn was ok, so she got to take a second ambulance from St. E's to Childrens.
 She basically slept for 24 hours straight.  I still did my zoom meetings, and worked from the hospital.  She got test after test and it looks like she had an infection and is now doing find.

 We had a nice view.  Seeing this view of her color looking good and being calm was the best view.
The hospital was doing great with having masks, checking badges, keeping everyone safe.

Chatted with the kids here and there along the way.  So thankful for the technology.

 After a quick couple days, we were ready to go home!  

And all is well with the world, or as much as possible right now.

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