Here is Quinn a few moments ago, sound asleep, but she finally broke her fever and is sleeping nicely! I mention soon, how it is getting so cold, yet I have her in shorts, but it's because she has been so warm!
Quinn is such a trooper, she was not feeling great here, yet she still keeps smiling! We are so lucky to have a daughter with such a good personality! She is just amazing!
Happy Winter! It is getting cold here! Actually colds all around! It’s cold outside, and I have to say that our windows in our apartment are not great, as we sit 5 feet away from them, and can feel the cold air blowing in. I will also say they came to fix them, but so far, it’s not a huge difference. So it’s cold outside and sort of inside. Then to top it off, Quinn’s got herself a cold. She went back to school early in the week, and now she has a nurse with her at school. I’m a bit worried that we might be loosing an amazing Para, but I’m not sure of that, and so far I have not had a definite answer to that question, so I’ll keep hoping for the best. At the same time, Quinn’s new nurse seems very kind, so we will see what happens. It’s just so hard to loose folks when they have gotten to know Quinn and in turn she loves back.
On Wednesday, Quinn does not go to school, so she can have a bit of a break, as she works so hard when she is there, it’s nice to rest up for the rest of the week. Well, Chrissy took her to see our primary doctor for a follow up trach appointment. Dr. Swisher was very impressed with Quinn. In fact he said he shed a tear to see her looking so good, and Chrissy said she saw a bit of a dance he did for Quinn as well! Yeah for improvements!
At the same time, there are always setbacks, and today Quinn did not go to school, as she came down with a cold last night, and could not stop coughing. So we went back to the doctors again, and lucky for us, we did not have to go to the hospital, instead we got a new med, and she finally had a pretty good night sleep! Talking about sleep, I’m lacking it, and Quinn is too, so we are hoping to rest and relax this weekend and get better! We are missing out on our family Thanksgiving, missing out on spending time with my wonderful nephew Kaleb, and my new nephew, but once we get this cold behind us, we will get up to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa and hopefully the boys as well.
One more of our big celebrations is Chrissy, I know I’ve said it before, but she has taken Quinn to doctor appointments and put up with a hard day on Thursday, with Quinn coughing and throwing up. She also gave up some of her events to take care of her Friday. We have been fortunate to have amazing folks in our lives who have impacted Quinn in so many wonderful ways, and we are so grateful, but again, as I was talking to the Zeman secretaries about Chrissy, I was again reminded how good we have it! Thank God!
Again, a negative, is that we ask for prayers for Matthew! He is a little guy that we met through a few friends, and I am a devoted blog reader of theirs, and he is the one that was at Children’s when we were this last time. He is now in Minnesota fighting hard to survive and overcome this difficult time, He and his family are amazing. I pray for them and their journey, at the same time, they remind me, how thankful I should be, instead of being frustrated Quinn missed school today. I’m just grateful she is home and not in the hospital. Sometimes it is easy to feel sorry for ourselves, but I sure can’t go there, because I see what an amazing gift we have with our lives. We have our struggles, but we have it good!
We continue to find things out about our soon to be - Quinn’s House, and continue to have things going on behind the scenes. We have some angels involved in working hard to help us. I’m getting so excited to start sharing information, but just can’t jump the gun. Just to say again, that I’m grateful and humbled and so excited to be part of this upcoming experience.
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