Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Here are Quinn and Annette opening one of her first Christmas gifts. Look at that determination.

Now that Quinn has a Trach, she also gets a nurse at school. Joleen is doing great with her, and we are thankful for her. She rides the bus with Quinn and works with her all day. We were thankful we did not have to loose her old para, she moved into the classroom as a general para, so Quinn still see her every day. Oh talking about school, Chrissy helped me out by taking some gifts to school to drop off, and I hear, Quinn was not all that excited to see her and told her "bye". What? Quinn was not excited to see Chrissy? That seems crazy, but that is what I was told! I guess Quinn wants school time to be her own time and she was not ready to go yet! I love that independent spirit!
What a fun week we have had. Quinn has been feeling better, in fact she slept through the night last night, and did not wake up until I woke her up this morning. That has not happened in months. When she has a cold, it wakes her up and we have to suction out her nose and throat. The good thing is that she has a very strong cough and is doing most of the work herself. Once in awhile she gets caught in the cough and just can’t seem to stop, and that is frustrating, but now that she is doing better we should have less and less of the coughing. I would love for her to get over her cold and just be well for a while, but we are on the right track right now, so I will simply be thankful for that.

Quinn is starting to talk our ears off again. I love it. The other day we were talking with Chrissy and Ben, and we were trying to figure out who someone was. Chrissy was saying, I don’t think it’s Amy, and Quinn said – no. So Chrissy asked her who is was, and she said – Kim – or something like that. So wow, that was good to hear. Now I’m curious to see if that is really that person’s name or not. Then at therapy on Tuesday, Stacie was trying to get Quinn to say - Ho Ho Ho and Quinn would grin, and say – Ho Ho – what a jolly feeling we were all feeling. To top it off at therapy she said - grandpa - when grandpa walked in. Nice! Granted she is not saying mom as much as she use to, pre-trach, but as long as she is talking again, I'll be happy! In fact, she is finding lots of new sounds, and that is great to hear as well.

Last Sunday the weather was nice, at least nice for Nebraska weather, so Blue and Quinn and I went for a walk. We got all bundled up and walked around our apartment complex. So you can see that in the background. So we are getting ready to celebrate a wonderful birthday on Christmas, by going out for Chinese. Our apartment can’t fit everyone so we are going out instead. Most every place is closed, so we are celebrating by going to church and via the move, The Christmas story, by eating Chinese, just hoping no one shoots their eye out. (Mom, or anyone who has not seen the movie, it's a line from the movie) It makes me smile every time I think of it.

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