Quinn is doing better with school. They are doing lots of painting projects and how she loves to paint! She has come home with glitter all over her, in her backpack, everywhere, and I love it! We have had time to read and go to the library. We have done a few exercises here and there, and I am enjoying every minute I get to spend with her.
After school today, Quinn got to go hang out with Chrissy, Annette, Casey, Alexis, and Michael. They went and did some shopping and made pizza. I hear it was pretty good, Casey pushing Quinn, while Alexis held her hand as they were walking through the isles. Love it! Then pizza making, I love it how they get everyone involved.
Then after a quick nap at home, we went to therapy. This was a bit different then a regular session. We started fitting her for her power chair. Instead of a regular seat, we are spicing it up! Quinn when she is calm, sits great, but sometimes you can tell she gets tired of sitting, and so she squirms all around and kicks her hip out and moves her pelvis forward, and I think wow, look at you moving, but her therapists thing, OH NO! That is not good posture, and that can lead to all kinds of issues down the road, so we are looking at making her a special seat that keeps her in proper alignment. You know only the best for our Quinn! Goodness.
So now you can see her sitting on this beanbag chair, and they would push and pull the beans around her until it was nice and snug and then they sucked all the air out of it, all the time making sure Quinn was in good alignment. I was not sure what to think, but after seeing Quinn sitting in it so nicely, I loved it. She held her head up better, due to the extra support around her torso. Then Suzanne and Chrissy started sharing how with that extra support, Quinn should be able to hold her head up better, and kids tend to do better with many other things, as they don’t have to worry about how to hold up their bodies so much. We will just have to do extra work in her walker, so she stays as strong as possible. Then after they molded the chair around Quinn, and pulled the air out, the mold stayed in place, and through amazing technology, they ran this cord over the chair to record the placement of the beans, an electronic mold was created! We accomplished another step in the process of getting Quinn her wheels. Oh, we also picked out colors today. I personally was not going to go with yellow, as Quinn will look like a bumblebee, but as Kurt was naming off colors, Quinn went nuts when he said yellow. So I asked her a few more times to try to sway her to a nice silver or pink, but nope, she was more then sure that she wanted yellow, so a yellow and black chair she will have.
We don’t waist time at therapy, as everyone was pulling and tugging on those beans, Stacie and Quinn were busy eating lemon pudding. I was impressed, with all the hustle going on around Quinn; she was loving the attention, and still doing a great job eating her pudding. What a great day! As we loaded up in the SUV (soon to be van, so please start praying for us, as we get started looking for a different vehicle to drive Quinn and her soon to be, new wheels around in) I could tell Quinn was tired. By the time we got home, she was sound asleep! What an exciting, busy, wonderful day she had today!
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