Tuesday, July 12, 2011

july 11, 2011

While I was working out at Madonna a couple days ago, I saw a bunch of families walk by me to go out to the pool. Sometimes I wish that could be us, where Quinn could simply walk out to the pool, we could splash and I could teach her how to dive, and tell her not to run on the cement. The simple things I once planned on doing with her. Well instead of getting to emotional over it, I started thinking of all the things that we can do, and by the time I was done, I knew how good we have it. So here are just a few things that I thought of as I was walking on the treadmill at Madonna.

What I love about Quinn. I’m thankful that Quinn likes to snuggle into me and hold my hand. I’m thankful she loves to hear the music at church, and relaxes and smiles when we go there. I’m thankful that we can park close to the stores in special parking just for us. I’m thankful that Quinn pushes me away when I go to kiss her sometimes, while other times calls out for kisses. I’m thankful that Quinn could sit and read books with me for hours. I’m thankful that Quinn is interested in going potty on her potty chair. I’m thankful Quinn wants to drive a power chair. I’m thankful she has been seizure free for along time, and out of the hospital. I’m thankful she is so stubborn, that is a very good thing sometimes. I’m thankful that she giggles when she hears we are going to wash her hair. I’m thankful that I get to cuddle up with her at bedtime, even if she does not like to go to bed until it’s way to late. I’m thankful she does not throw fits in the department stores. I am thankful that she will throw things onto the floor of that department store if I put things on her lap. We make a game out of it. I just know better then to give her breakable things, while we are shopping. I’m thankful I get to pick out cute things for her to wear, and that she likes wearing them. I’m thankful I get to do her hair, and she does not complain too much. I’m thankful she sits at restaurants with us so nicely. I’m thankful for my friends and family who love her for who she is. I’m thankful for all the people we have met because of her special needs. I’m thankful we have been able to share our story with a few folks here and there, and hope we can inspire a person or two, a little bit. I’m thankful she will holler for me, when I’m cleaning or not right next to her, and she wants to know where I am, and once she sees me, she gets quiet and looks the other way. I’m thankful she likes to cuddle and sing.
We have got it pretty good!

1 comment:

Judi said...

I love your positivity, your stamina, your intelligence, your tenacity, your gratefulness. You are incredible, Susan Otte!!!