Wow! Another big warm fuzzy moment! We have a lovely sign out in our front yard! We have roof paper (is that what that paper on the roof is called?) We also have windows! Wow things are happening!
We are still working on how to make the entire house functional for Quinn, and with Quinn's fancy chair, we are struggling to find a way to get her downstairs. The elevator sizes that we have right now are not really fitting, as her fancy transformer chair is pretty big, and I don't want to settle for a different chair, when this one can help her be more successful then anything else. However that is throwing a wrench into the whole elevator situation! I know we will get it figured out, as we do have such a wonderful team, but it seems like we are not making it easy on them.
I'm also getting excited to share our house. As I've been talking to more and more therapists through LPS, we are all getting excited to share our house and what things we are changing and doing to make it work for Quinn. As we were future home buyers, it's was a bit harder to find folks willing to share what their homes look like and what they have done to make it work for their situations. Well, the more I talked about it, the more I learned that so many of those folks are not sharing their homes because they piece things together, and it's not ideal, but they make it work! So I understand how they would not want to share what they have done, as it's not the ideal. In fact we learned that our caseworker, who is in a wheelchair, can not even get her wheelchair into her bathroom. That is so frustrating to hear that so many folks are not living in their ideal home, in the sense that they can not even use their rooms in a way where they can easily get from one place to another.
So I am so excited and grateful to be in a position where we can get our home in the Parade of Homes, or something where we can open our home up to let other families see what all these bright minds that are working so hard have come up with. Sizes of doors, placement of windows, placement of outlets, not a single stair. Things like an automatic hand faucet that Quinn can use on her own. Handicap sinks, fancy toilets, doorways, light switches. Oh I could go on and on, but it's about bedtime, and as I read this over, I can tell that I'm tired, so I'm signing off, but feeling so blessed and looking forward to a book and some cuddle time with Quinn!
Oh, on Tuesday Quinn and I got to go meet with Delrae and start looking at pluming stuff! One of those things I never really expected to do was pick out toilets, and sinks, and such, but it was really interesting, and Quinn did a pretty good job chatting and showing a little bit of interest! So yet another new adventure for us, and we have a few more spots to check out, as we have a few different folks interested in helping out Quinn! What a blessed experience this is to be building Quinn's House!
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