Thursday, September 16, 2010


Well, I think I do a pretty good job working through my stresses, but when I’m sick it is so much harder. Over this last week, I have been sick, and Quinn has been sick. Quinn’s breathing has not been great by any means, so I’m so thankful for Chrissy watching Quinn during the day, with her loud breathing, as she did not make it to school at all this week. I almost feel like going to work has been my stress reliever , as the last few nights have made me so crazy nervous. I’ve missed my Better U meeting and a number of workouts. I found out our house has radon, and it’s lots of money to get it fixed, but we will get it fixed! Then I find out I have to skip another meeting today to take care of Quinn. Talking to our banker, it’s going to cost us more money for the building then I planned while we are renting, probably! I’ve started looking at apartments, and it’s not very fun, in fact it’s stressful too. So today was my final straw. I get home, after staying late at school for a meeting, getting to Handprints late to pick up Quinn late, luckily Mary was willing to watch her, and is so good with her. Quinn had no nap and was tired and breathing super hard, and I got my treat of French fries to eat when I got home. I pull into our driveway and go to open the garage, and it does not open. Quinn is freaking out in the backseat, and I am exhausted, now the garage door does not open. So I go into the house through the front door, and find that our second Radon guy that was going to give us an estimate locked the garage door on the inside, and since I was not aware of that and pushed the open button on the remote, now I can’t get the door unlocked because of how the door is partway open and stressing out the metal where it is locked, it will not close or unlock. So now my one treat for the week, is cold, Quinn is still freaking out, and I loose it! Ironically a friend at school today just complimented me on being so calm and under control, yet I have a hammer and I’m pounding on the garage door, I call John and swear on his office machine, and I hardly ever swear. I then call his mom, and start bawling on the phone, and have a complete melt down. Quinn and I having a double melt down in our driveway is not fun!

Well, I called the Radon guy to ask why they would have locked the garage door, and they have not called me back. I have to say I was crying on the message I left, because that is who I am, not that I like it, but I was. I did get the garage door fixed on my own, and did not even break anything. I got Quinn into the house and into bed and she is asleep and sounding much better, and it’s not even 7:00, and I’m going to bed shortly. I only had a couple fries, as they were cold and not all that great of a treat, but that saved me some calories, and throwing a fit had to have burnt a few calories too.

After loosing it, I have to say I’m still so fortunate! We are still planning on building a house, with a great support system. We will find somewhere to live, we have a few guys willing to help us move. We have made it through the hardest part of our colds, (I hope and pray) I did not have to take any time away from school. John has been very supportive, and I have the most amazing little girl resting comfortably next to me. So no matter how stressed I get, I need to take a few deep breaths and remember – I’m only handed what I can handle! – and I’m pretty lucky! Just look at my sweet little girl!

So I pray we continue to rest and feel better! I pray that her breathing calms down, and she figures out how to breath through her mouth when she has a cold, that would fix so many breathing issues she has. I pray that I feel better, and continue to stay calm and cool, rather then stressed and freakish. On that note, I’m going to get some sleep, as I know that will help everything!

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