Thursday, September 23, 2010


We had a really good night. Quinn fought the machine for a bit after she did so well in the beginning, so I was worried about this morning, seeing how she would do. She did great!

We still have not really talked to doctors or anything, and will be here again tonight, maybe more meds, maybe more percussion on her chest, but even all the snot is drying up and going away! Yeah for that! She smiled yesterday and again today. She is not talking much, she tried this morning, but due to the cpap machine, it's a bit harder to control. So not much to report now, except we are doing better and it's working, and she is doing better, so good report, past that we don't know much, but I'll take her doing well for now and be content with that!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Quinn we miss you at school. Get better soon!
Hugs from your friends at Riley
-Miss Rachel