Well, we have been busy. Quinn is doing much better with her breathing, but is still struggling now and then. Still much better then when we went into the hospital last week. So Thursday and Friday Quinn went to Virginia’s and to see Diane at therapy. Friday Jen came to our house and found a sound asleep Quinn so we talked about ordering arm braces that will help her work on holding herself up in a crawling position, as well as a trunk brace that will help her hold up her body so she can concentrate more on her head control. It’s like a tight thick elastic undershirt. She will not wear them all the time, just when working out to help her focus on certain muscles so we can isolate and concentrate on things easier. So thanks Jen for working on that for us.
Saturday Virginia, Elijah, Veronica, Quinn and I all went to the Empty Bowls Soup Lunch. It is where local artists create bowls and we pay to get a bowl and soup lunch. It was a bit disappointing because it was not very busy. That is to bad, it raises money to feed local kids who need some extra groceries at home. It was Quinn’s second concert, this one was not too loud, and so she loved it. She loved it even more when Virginia danced with her to the song. After that Quinn and I helped Chrissy with some final moving and cleaning. I asked Quinn if she waned to go downstairs with me or stay upstairs, and she made it very clear that she wanted to go with me. A simple yes or no are nice, but she can get her point across in many other ways as well. I love getting a response and will take what she can give me.
After that Quinn and I went to Sloan Iowa to meet up with my Aunt Pan and Grandma and Grandpa. John did not go with us. After Quinn and I got out of the hospital last week, we came back to a broken down John again. He says he is getting better, but we got home late Sunday, so I have not actually seen how he is doing. So say a few prayers for him, it seems like he is in a revolving door. Where he does well, over does it, and hurts himself, sits around for awhile, gets excited because he is finally feeling good, starts doing well, over does it and…. So I’m hoping one of these times he figures this out and does not push himself and his body starts getting tougher.
Well back to our trip. My great aunt Rosie passed away. It was a blessing for her and harder for those of us who loved her. She has been struggling with her health and has told my grandmother many times how she is ready to meet Jesus. She is a woman I will remember as making me feel so special, as I listened to stories about her, she made everyone feel special. She was loved and loved many of us. It reminds me how luck and thankful I am, to have my grandmother here, and it was nice to spend a day with them. Quinn got to meet many family members over the weekend. We have a few fun stories here and there. First, she did not go to bed when we got there Saturday night. I purposely wanted to get there a good hour before my Aunt and Grandparents, and we got there around 8:00, I was hoping after a calm ride Quinn would fall asleep in the quiet atmosphere, but she is three and can’t miss a thing, so she was wide awake at 9:30 when they got there and after hugs and kisses and lots of love I think she finally fell asleep around 10:30, and then she was up again at 8:00. So I had a good feeling with all the family around and her being tired we were not going to get to show off the Quinn that shows off, but rather the Quinn that curls into a ball and does not show off at all. Well, that is the Quinn most folks saw. It was overwhelming hearing all the family that has been praying for us, and having them see Quinn. So to all of you, thanks for the prayers and sometime in the future when we get over there again I hope you can see Quinn showing off instead of being exhausted.
Well we do have two fun stories. My Aunt Pam is a kisser and Quinn needs to just give in and accept that, but she is standing up for her 3 year old self. After a minute or two of putting up with kisses, she would bring her arm up and push her Aunt Pam away then continue to hold her arm out, showing all of us, that was enough of the kissing. She did it a few different times over the weekend. Yeah Quinn, you keep looking out for yourself, and if you don’t want kisses, you don’t want kisses.
Our other story was when Quinn just entered a new building with new people, that is when she is most on guard, figuring out if it’s safe, if it is a hospital or doctor office. Checking out the new people, she needs a good few minutes to process what is going on. Well a relative came up to her and got right in her face. Put her hands on Quinn’s cheeks and was loudly talking to her. Quinn was not comfortable with that at all, and started coughing and acting like she would throw up. She got her message across loud and clear. Leave me alone! Don’t touch me! I had to smile and just be proud of her for standing up for herself. She did not make a good impression on that relative, but I can’t say I blame her. I’m glad she is standing up for herself.
Well, we got home last night after 11:00 and Quinn did not sleep in the car at all. We got in the house and she started singing and smiling and was so happy to be home. It’s nice to see her expressing herself more and more. I can’t say that she showed that off to many relatives over the weekend, but I sure did see it. Wow, does she ever make me smile. I have to say my extended family did a good job accepting her and loving her up. She was not ready to return the love quite yet, but I will return the love for her while she is still figuring things out.
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