Monday, October 4, 2010


Well, finally after about two weeks, Quinn got back to school at Riley on Thursday. I was a bit worried that she would freak out a bit, as she is not use to school yet, and she did, just a bit. Chrissy got a call half way through, and went and calmed her down, and she finished out the day. The fun story I heard, is before she went to the nurse, she started breathing loud, and another student in the class, turned around and told Quinn, "Quinn, be quiet, Miss Rachel is trying to read us a story." She did not, and that is why they ended up going to the nurse in the first place. I love it how the kids are just accepting her as a kid, and that's it! If only all of us, could be so accepting of everyone for all our issues! :)

This weekend, we officially moved, we don’t sign paperwork and turn the house over until the 14th, but I wanted a few days to clean things out and move the littler things over, as I know it takes me awhile, but we are sleeping in the apartment, and so far so good. I can tell the move wore us out. First, we had to scramble to find folks to help us move, as a family emergency took a few folks away from us at the last minute. So thanks so much to Chrissy, Ron, Annette, Virginia, Veronica, Elijah, Martha, Harold, Shelley, Nissa, Evan, Vicki, Steve, and Kaleb, being willing to help us out last minute. It was exhausting, as John went to bed at 8:30 Saturday and slept until almost noon on Sunday, and Quinn fell asleep at 4 on Sunday and slept through until Monday morning. I on the other hand have had normal sleep but I did break my fourth toe, which is kind of ironic, because I did the same thing 8 weeks ago when I broke my second toe moving stuff into my school. I’m glad we are not moving anything else for awhile, or I could be in serious trouble!

Well, Quinn knows something new is going on, but is really doing ok. Saturday she was upset, until we moved her to a place where she could see what was going on, and yesterday, she sang and sang as she was sitting in her chair watching me unpack, so that was good to hear. We still have lots of boxes to unpack, and as of right now, John is missing his computer cord, and I’m missing my video camera cord and the TV stand, so that is not horrible! I’ve also decided we will be making more donations of our stuff, as I’m a pack rat, and we just don’t need all this stuff! So the move is really helping me get rid of stuff, as we have already gotten rid of lots of stuff, but still have lots to go! For never wanting to move, we are really making the best of it, and we are looking forward to closing on the house and starting to build soon! Please say some prayers that Quinn continues to adjust well, and the closing of the old house goes smooth! We have already met a neighbor who seems super nice, so we are trudging through, and doing pretty good! Oh, no pictures as I forgot to take pictures as we moved, and I really wanted to, but was to busy moving! So I’ll get pictures up next time!


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